3: F
CELLplex 7000
Integrated Fast
The CELLplex 7000 Switch local management software features an
Integrated Fast Setup procedure which configures both the Switch and all
Interface Cards installed in it in one continuous dialog.
Box-oriented setup
The Integrated Fast Setup procedure is based on a concept in which the
CELLplex 7000 Switch together with its installed interface cards is viewed
as an integrated unit or
. The advantage of this point of view is its
simplicity: it is not necessary to remember into which slot each Interface
Card is installed or even which type of Interface Card is installed. Rather,
attention is focussed on configuring the ports of the box. The procedure
automatically determines the ports that are available in the box and
presents them by type (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, ATM) for configuration.
The port location is displayed by the notation <slot.port>
For example
<3.1> refers to slot #3, port #1.
Box-wide vLANs
With the Integrated Fast Setup, Virtual LANs (vLANs) are created
box-wide. Each vLAN is defined for both the Switch and all the Interface
Cards installed in the box. There is only one admin vLAN for the box.
vLANs are set up in two stages. First, in the LE Client section, a number of
vLANs are created according to the requirement of the network.
Next, in the Virtual Network Configuration section, the potential vLANs
become actual vLANs by having ports assigned to them.
Setup Modes
The Integrated Fast Setup provides two setup modes: the “Full” setup
mode and the “Switch” setup mode.
Full Setup Mode
The Full setup mode configures both the CELLplex 7000 Switch and the
installed Interface Cards. It sets the required parameter values in all the
installed Interface Cards and is the preferred setup mode for most users.
In order to facilitate a more efficient procedure, the Full setup mode
presents only the most critical parameters; default values are assumed for
the remaining parameters.
Only those systems that require specific parameter settings in one or
more of the installed Interface Cards will need to use the Switch setup
mode as described in the next section.
abtthgde.book Page 2 Tuesday, June 23, 1998 10:29 AM