CLI Commands B-3
add framed_route vc
■ ip_route [ip_address]
■ metric [number]
Adds a framed (static) network to the VC profile for WAN connections. This
method of creating a static route does not run RIP to learn routes, so you must
specify IP route and gateway addresses. See add ip route.
add ip defaultroute
gateway <IP_address>
■ { metric [1] }
Defines a default gateway IP router, which acts as the default route for IP packets
destined for remote hosts.
add ip network
■ address [ip_net_address]
■ { interface [eth:1] }
■ { enabled [yes] }
Adds an IP network to the list of IP networks available over the specified interface.
add ip route
■ gateway [gateway_addr]
■ metric [hop_count]
Parameters Description
<VC profile name> VC profile name specified for the framed network. This is limited to 32
ip_route IP address of the remote network
metric Integer representing how far away the route is, in “hops” from other
routers. Values are 1 through 15.
Parameters Description
<IP_address > IP Address of the gateway router.
metric Integer representing how far away the default router is, in “hops” through
other routers. Values: 1-15.
Parameters Description
<network_name> Name of IP network, consisting of up to 32 unique ASCII characters; space
must be surrounded by double quotes.
address IP address of the network, in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, with or without
a mask specifier. The Mask Specifier can be ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘H’, or a numeric
value from 8 to 30 that describes the number of one bits in the mask. If you
do not specify a mask, the system will generate it for you from the network
frame Frame encapsulation to be used on this IP network. The options are:
ETHERNET_II, LOOPBACK (for diagnostics), or SNAP.
interface Name of the interface which this IP network will communicate over. The
default is the first LAN interface (eth:1).
enabled This optional parameter indicates whether the network is enabled (YES) or
disabled (NO). YES is the default.