Adds a Telnet user to the local user table. The list users command displays these
parameters for all users.
add vc [name] Creates a virtual channel (VC) profile. Each profile represents a connection to a
remote site. The list vc command displays a list of all configured VCs and their
status. Use the set vc command to modify VC parameters. When a VC profile is
created, all of the different configurable parameters associated with the profile
assume default values. The default values are specified in the VC profile named
'default'. You can display the current default values with the command show vc
■ output [outputfile_name]
Prints the IP address (and Media Access Control Address [MAC] if on a locally
connected network) of a network node to a file or the CLI (default). If a node is
not in the ARP cache, an ARP request will be sent out.
DELETE Delete commands remove anything you previously added.
delete access
<ip subnet address>
The access list defines which Remote IP Subnets are allowed to access the
Management services of the OCR812. Use this command to remove an entry in
the list.
delete bridge network
Deletes the previously added bridge network. Make sure you have disabled the
bridge network, using the disable bridge network command, before trying to
delete it. Use list bridge forwarding to see if there is any activity over the bridge
delete configuration Deletes all your configuration files, reboots the system and restores system
configuration to default values.
Parameters Description
Name Name of the user to be added, up to 32 ASCII characters.
Password User’s password, up to 15 ASCII characters.
Enabled This indicates whether the user is enabled. Enter YES or NO.
Parameters Description
name Name of the user to be added, up to 32 ASCII characters.
Parameters Description
<ip_name_or_addr> IP address or node name for the IP and MAC address you seek.
Parameters Description
<ip subnet address> IP address in the format xx.xx.xx.xx.