System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
The individual Components The Backup Component
3.2.4 Checking backups (troubleshooting)
If an error occurs when backing up the database or if one of the backup pro-
cesses does not end cleanly, the entire database backup is aborted and all
tablespaces are reset to the status NoSave.
You can check whether a backup has been completed successfully by
examining the protocol files (*.prot) which are located in the directory
/nrs/oracle/${ORACLE_SID}/prot and its subdirectories.
Log files from local backups (not for NAS filers)
This file directory contains two protocol files:
● In the file save_history you will find an overview of the backups that have been
carried out. For each backup of a tablespace or redolog file, it contains a
record of the date and time, the name of the backed up tablespace or
redolog, whether the backup was online or offline and the result of the
backup. You should examine this file regularly to check that backing up the
redolog files is being performed correctly.
● The file actual_saves_of_tablespaces contains the output of the shell script
saveinfo.sh from the most recent tablespace backup (see below). When you
evaluate this file, note the date of the backup. It always shows the most
recently completed backup, even if this was some time ago.
If there are error messages in this file (or in the output from saveinfo.sh)
you should first check the individual protocol files, which are described
below; this will often give you more information about the encountered
In the NetWorker windows you will find information about any problem
which NetWorker encountered while backing up the tablespaces or
redolog files, e.g. problem regarding access to tapes or devices.
If you encounter an error that is related to ORACLE you should also
check your database.
The subdirectory tablespaces contains a protocol file for each backed up
tablespace. These files have names of the form
save_${ORACLE_SID}_${TS}.prot, where ${TS} stands for the name of the
tablespace. There is also the file save_${ORACLE_SID}_overview.prot, which
contains any information regarding the backups that does not relate to a
particular tablespace. The protocol files in this subdirectory are overwritten by
each new backup.