System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
NSR-ORA and NetApp Backup
If the level is set to a value between 1 and 9 then NSR-ORA simply creates
a snapshot.
● Save Set:
When the save set NDMP is used the current state of the database will be
backed up.
With the save set specified NSR-ORA performs an offline backup of the
database. Normally, this means that NSR-ORA shuts down the database
before starting a backup and starts it again when the backup process has
At the end of a backup process (regardless of whether there has only
been a snapshot created or additionally a tape backup) NSR-ORA will
additionally store the following information on tape media:
● For online backups: the binary control file
● The control file as an ASCII trace file
● The init file /nsr/oracle/<ORACLE_SID>/tmp/init<ORACLE_SID>.ora
● The information and log files of the current backup process in the
● The information and log files of the current backup process in the
directory /nsr/oracle/<ORACLE_SID>/prot.
These files may be used for debugging or a manually controlled recovery.
6.5.2 The savegrp completion notification
The savegrp completion notification contains all error messages and warnings
which occur while running a NDMP backup or creating a snapshot.
Some messages are not designed for a direct delivery (e.g. license
missing or NetWorker configuration failure). In that case the savegrp
completion notification contains the name of the log file to which the error
message has been written.
Performing a NDMP backup the savegrp state meets exactly the real state of the
backup process. If, for example, savegrp completion contains the message
“succeeded” (all clients have been backed up successfully) then the complete
backup of the Oracle database has been successfully. When an error occurs
during the backup savegrp completion shows the “failed” message.