Chapter 2 Page 27
Your Palm III organizer includes the following predefined Graffiti
For example, if you want to enter the current date and time, you
would draw the following strokes:
Using Application Controls
Palm III applications include several types of controls. Once you
become familiar with using these controls, you can easily select
options and navigate through your Palm III organizer applications.
The following table lists the controls and how to use them.
Entry ShortCut Entry ShortCut
Date stamp ds Breakfast br
Time stamp ts Lunch lu
Date / time stamp dts Dinner di
Meeting me
Check box. When a check mark appears in a check
box, the corresponding option is active. If a check
box is empty, tap it to insert a check mark. If a check
box is checked, tapping it removes the check mark.
Scroll arrows. Tap the up arrow to display the
previous page of information, or tap the down
arrow to display the next page. These arrows
perform the same function as pressing the upper
and lower portions of the scroll button on the front
panel of the Palm III organizer.
Pick list. Tap the arrow to display a list of choices,
and then tap an item on the list to select it.