Page 28 Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Using Menus
Menus are a special set of commands that are available in most of your
Palm III organizer applications (Memo Pad, Date Book, etc.). The exact
commands that appear in the menus depend on the application that is
currently running on your Palm III organizer.
Some menu commands are common to all Palm III organizer
applications. The common menu commands are described in this
section; other menu commands are described in the chapters about
each Palm III organizer application in the Applications Handbook for the
Palm III Organizer.
To activate the menus:
1. Open a Palm III organizer application (such as the Memo Pad, as
described earlier in this chapter).
2. Tap the icon to open the menus for the application at the top of
the screen.
Button. Tap a button to perform a command.
Buttons appear with different text depending on
their function. In most cases, tapping a button
opens or closes a dialog. A dialog is a screen that
appears on your Palm III organizer, prompting you
to enter information or make settings. A dialog
always contains an OK, Cancel or Done button, so
you can close the dialog when you are through with
it. The on-screen keyboard is an example of a
Scroll bar. Drag the slider to scroll the display one
line at a time. To scroll to the previous page, tap the
arrow at the top of the scroll bar. To scroll to the
next page, tap the arrow at the bottom of the scroll