DS0 Channels—(T1-DSX/E1 ports only) Telco channels: the associated DS0s which
have been assigned to the specified ATM VC connection. All available DS0
channels are automatically allocated in unstructured mode. In structured mode,
the DS0 channels are bit-coded, with each bit representing one DS0 channel. You
can assign DS0 channels in structured mode only. Channel conflicts within a T1/E1
port interface will result in an error.
If you are using CAS (channel associated signaling), you must build a virtual circuit
for each DS0 you will use.
Voice Compression Module Virtual Circuit Parameters
If you are configuring a VCM VCC circuit, you simply set the common Shaper
Number, Priority, and Early Packet Discard parameters. If you are configuring a
VCM Subchannel circuit, you must also set the DLCI, DS0 Channel, and
Subchannel ID (SCID). For descriptions of the VCM Subchannel circuit parameters,
see “Adding VCM Subchannel Circuits” earlier in this chapter.
VC and VP Address
The PathBuilder S330/S310 supports VC and VP address translation on the receive
VPI/VCI end of a circuit.
n To configure VP address translation, set the receive VCI to * when you enter
the circuit address in the Add Virtual Circuit menu. This rule applies for all valid
values of VPI (0 to 255).
n To configure VC address translation, set the VPI in the range 0 to 3, and set the
VCI to a value other than x.
The PathBuilder S330/S310 software automatically sets the VCI to 0 whenever you
select a VPI greater than 3 for the receive VPI, indicating that for values greater
than 3 for the receive VPI, the PathBuilder S330/S310 can build only VP
address-translated circuits. This is relevant only for the receive VPI/VCI end of the
Viewing Existing Virtual
You can view summaries of existing virtual circuits for the entire chassis or by port
or group.
Viewing Virtual Circuits for the Entire Chassis
To view a summary of existing virtual circuits for the entire chassis, follow these
1 From the Virtual Circuit menu, select [1] List Virtual Circuits to open the List Virtual
Circuit Summary screen, shown in Figure 125.
The List Virtual Circuit summary screen, shown in Figure 125, appears. This screen
shows a summary of all virtual circuits, with a virtual circuit number (VC#) assigned
to each.