
Configuring SODA Functionality 555
For example, the following command removes the directory sp1 and all of
its contents:
WX1200# uninstall soda agent agent-directory sp1
This will delete all files in agent-directory, do you wish to
continue? (y|n) [n]y
Displaying SODA
To view information about the SODA configuration for a service profile,
use the display service profile command.
The following is an example of the output of the display service profile
command for service profile sp1. In the example, the fields related to
SODA functionality are highlighted in bold.
WX1200# display service-profile sp1
ssid-name: corp2 ssid-type: crypto
Beacon: yes Proxy ARP: no
DHCP restrict: no No broadcast: no
Short retry limit: 5 Long retry limit: 5
Auth fallthru: none Sygate On-Demand (SODA): yes
Enforce SODA checks: yes SODA remediation ACL:
Custom success web-page: Custom failure web-page:
Custom logout web-page: Custom agent-directory:
Static COS: no COS: 0
CAC mode: none CAC sessions: 14
User idle timeout: 180 Idle client probing: yes
Keep initial vlan: no Web Portal Session Timeout: 5
Web Portal ACL:
WEP Key 1 value: <none> WEP Key 2 value: <none>
WEP Key 3 value: <none> WEP Key 4 value: <none>
WEP Unicast Index: 1 WEP Multicast Index: 1
Shared Key Auth: NO
WPA enabled:
ciphers: cipher-tkip
authentication: 802.1X
TKIP countermeasures time: 60000ms
vlan-name = orange
session-timeout = 300
service-type = 2
11a beacon rate: 6.0 multicast rate: AUTO
11a mandatory rate: 6.0,12.0,24.0 standard rates: 9.0,18.0,36.0,48.0,54.0
11b beacon rate: 2.0 multicast rate: AUTO
11b mandatory rate: 1.0,2.0 standard rates: 5.5,11.0
11g beacon rate: 2.0 multicast rate: AUTO
11g mandatory rate: 1.0,2.0,5.5,11.0 standard rates: 6.0,9.0,12.0,18.0,24.0,