incomplete boot load 621
invalid certificate 620
missing configuration 621
MSS debugging via trace 631
MSS logging 623
no network access 621
system trace files for 599
VLAN authorization failure 621
WX switch 619
TTY sessions, current, logging system messages
to 629
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID attribute 88, 659
affinity of a WX for 90
affinity, changing 93
displaying information about 160
in a Mobility Domain 153, 159
type-of-service (TOS) level, filtering packets by 381
UDP ACLs 386
UDP ports
filtering packets by 386
packet filter (security ACL) requirements 385
unauthorized access points 567
unicast, static WEP keys 301
update interval, NTP 128
upgrades, MAP firmware 228
uplink fast convergence 359
configuring 361
URL attribute, description 660
user globs
avoiding problems in processing with 508
clearing network sessions by 562
conventions for 30
delimiter characters 30
displaying network sessions by 562
double asterisks (**) in 30
matching order 32
single asterisks (*) in 30
wildcards in 30
See also usernames
user passwords 58
user permissions 494
user sessions. See sessions
user VLANs 88
user-based security ACLs
clearing maps 495
mapping 390
See also security ACLs
User-Name attribute 652
case-sensitive 58
clearing sessions by 562
displaying network sessions by 562
See also user globs
User-Password attribute 652
802.1X 540
accounting 504
adding to local database 59
authentication and authorization 441
clearing from the local database 59
no network access, troubleshooting 621
security ACLs, assigning 494
vendor list 574
Vendor-Specific attribute, 802.1X attribute 655
vendor-specific attributes. See VSAs (vendor-specific
verbose session output 561
version, displaying 599
virtual LANs. See VLANs (virtual LANs)
virtual ports
clearing ACL maps from 495
mapping security ACLs to 392
VLAN globs
clearing sessions on 564
conventions for 31
displaying network sessions by 563
double asterisks (**) in 32
matching order 32
single asterisks (*) in 32
wildcards in 32
See also VLANs (virtual LANs)
VLAN ID or name 33
VLAN information, displaying 264
VLAN names
clearing network sessions by 564
displaying network sessions by 563
or number 33
VLAN numbers 33
VLAN-Name attribute 88
description 659
reassigning with the location policy 499
VLANs (virtual LANs) 87
affinity 90
affinity, configuring 93
assigning users 88
authorization failure, troubleshooting 621
clearing ACL maps from 495
configuring 91