
EKI-7758F User Manual 92
Appendix C X-View
Based on the same function structure of the web management interface (Web UI), X-
View is a friendly and ease-of-use windows based utility which is designed to manage
multiple devices in an easy operating environment with more color graphic pictures,
diagrams, and consistent menus. The following descriptions and pictures will guide you
to be familiar with this convenient utility.
Firstly, the operating window will show up when the utility is launched.
Figure C.1: X-View interface
Move the mouse pointer to the top menu bar, and click on ‘Task’. After clicking on
‘Task’ in the top menu bar, a pull-down menu shows up which including: Discovery,
Discovery Filter, Login, Reboot, Refresh, Refresh All and Exit items.
Figure C.2: Items to the ‘Task’ menu bar
Click the mouse point on ‘
’ item or press ‘Ctrl+D’ to search