
EKI-7758F User Manual 108
SNTP Client: enable or disable SNTP function to get the time from the SNTP server.
UTC Timezone: set the switch location time zone. The following table lists the
different location time zone for your reference.
SNTP Sever URL: set the SNTP server IP address.
Daylight Saving Time:
Daylight Saving: enable or disable daylight saving time function. When daylight
saving time is enabled, you need to configure the daylight saving time period.
Period Begin: set up the Daylight Saving beginning time. It will be different every
Period End: set up the Daylight Saving end time. It will be different every year.
Offset (mins): set up the offset time.
Figure C.29: Event Configuration
C.1.7 IP Security
IP security function allows user to assign 10 specific IP addresses that have permission
to access the switch through the web browser for the securing switch management.
Mode: when this option is in Enable mode, the ‘Enable HTTP Server’ and ‘Enable
Telnet Server’ check boxes will then be available.
Enable HTTP Server: when this check box is marked, the IP addresses among
Security IP1 ~ IP10 will be allowed to access via HTTP service.
Enable Telnet Server: when checked, the IP addresses among Security IP1 ~ IP10
will be allowed to access via telnet service.
Security IP 1 ~ 10: Assign up to 10 specific IP address. Only these 10 IP address
can access and manage the switch through the Web browser
And then, click ‘Apply’ button to apply the configuration.