
PCA-6185 User’s Manual 74
Initiate Wide Negotiation-(Default: Yes) When set to Yes, the SCSI
card attempts 16-bit data transfer (wide negotiation.) When set to No, the
SCSI card uses 8-bit data transfer unless the SCSI device requests wide
Note: Set Initiate Wide Negotiation to NO if you are using
an 8-bit SCSI device that hangs or exhibits other per-
formance problems with 16-bit data transfer rate
Enable Disconnection-(Default: Yes) When set to Yes, allows the
SCSI device to disconnect from the SCSI bus. Leave the setting at Yes if
two or more SCSI device is connected, changing the setting to No results
in slightly better performance.
Send Start Unit Command-(Default: Yes) When set to Yes, the Start
Unit Command is sent to the SCSI device at bootup.
The following three options have no effect if the SCSI Card BIOS is dis-
abled. (The SCSI Cards BIOS is normally enabled by default.)
Enable Write Back Cache-(Default: N/C) Can be used to enable or
disable the write-back cache on SCSI disk drives connected to the host
adapter. Leave this option at its default setting of N/C (no change), which
usually allow for optimum drive performance.
BIOS Multiple LUN Support-(Default: No) Leave this setting at No if
the device does not have multiple Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs.) When
set to Yes, the SCSI card BIOS provides boot support for a SCSI device
with multiple LUNs (for example, a CD “juke box” device in which
mulitple CDs can be accessed simultaneously.)
Include in BIOS Scan-(Default: Yes) When set to Yes, the SCSI card
BIOS includes the device as part of its BIOS scan at bootup.
Advanced Configuration Options
Note: Do not change the Advanced Configuration Options
unless absolutely necessary.
Reset SCSI Bus at IC Initialization-(Default: Enabled) When set to
Enabled, the SCSI card generates a SCSI bus reset during its power-on
initialization and after a hard reset.
Display <Ctrl> <A> Messages during BIOS Initialization-(Default:
Enabled) When set to Enabled, the SCSI card BIOS displays the Press
<Ctrl> <A> for SCSISelect (TM) Utility! message on your screen during