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8 Editing and Creating a SONG
When in SONG mode, the EDIT button is used to enter the song edit mode. This mode is used for
creating or editing a song, which is a list of parts. The display appears as follows:
The step number can be moved forwards or backwards with the fast forward and rewind buttons. The
part number is underlined, indicating that it can be changed with the keypad or +/- buttons. If a song is
empty, the first step's part will be blank. The step past the last part of a song will also display a blank
part. To change a part, simply type in a new part number. To erase a step, hold ERASE and press
RECORD. The displayed step will be erased, and all parts from the steps past the erased step will shift
down one step. To insert a part, press and hold COPY. The display will read:
The keypad or +/- buttons can be used to change the part number. Pressing RECORD inserts the part at
the displayed step, and moves the previously displayed step and all subsequent steps one step back.
When the buttons are released, the display reverts back to the song edit display.
8.1 Automatic TRACK selection and muting at each step of a
You can select which tracks will playback at each step of a song by turning off the tracks you don't want
to hear (LED's off) and leaving on the tracks you wish to hear (LED's on). The MMT-8 will store in
memory which tracks were selected for playback at each step.