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3 Recording a PART
3.1 Selecting the RECORD TRACK
To record on a part, press the RECORD button. The RECORD LED will light. The track to be recorded
always defaults to the lowest numbered empty track. For an empty part, track 1 will be selected. If a part
has all eight tracks used, no track will be selected, and the RECORD LED will not light.
Every time a track is recorded onto, the next empty track will automatically be selected the next time
RECORD is pressed. If a track other than the selected one is desired, pressing another track select button
while holding down the RECORD button will select the new track to be recorded on. Like on a tape
recorder, if a track with something on it is recorded over, the old information is erased.
Once the user has selected a track manually, the automatic track selection of the next empty track is
turned off. This way, if the user wants to redo a track many times, he can select it once, and that track
will remain selected until he selects another track. When a new part is selected, the automatic track
selection is turned back on. If the track that is selected is reselected, it will stop flashing (and return to
its previous state, flashing on or off), and no track will be selected for record (causing the RECORD LED
to turn off when the RECORD button is held down, the display reads:
While holding RECORD, the track that is lit indicates the currently selected track to be recorded on. Any
tracks that are flashing are currently empty, and any tracks that are not lit currently have something
recorded in them. Any track (flashing, on, or off) can be selected to be recorded onto.
3.2 Entering RECORD
After releasing RECORD, the RECORD LED will remain lit to indicate that it is ready to record if PLAY is
pressed, unless no track was selected (no track LED lit solid), which would cause the RECORD LED to
turn off after releasing the RECORD button. If STOP/CONTINUE is pressed while the RECORD LED is on,
the RECORD LED will turn off, indicating that record is disabled, but the selected record track will be
remembered. To begin recording, press PLAY. If a track had been selected (RECORD LED on), then the
beginning of the part, after counting down four beats (the countdown can be changed; see CLICK),
during which time the display will read:
With each beat past, the display will change to 3, then 2, then 1, after which the display will change to:
The part number is not underlined, indicating that a new part cannot be selected while recording. While
recording, the eight tracks can still be turned on or off. Pressing the RECORD button effectively "punches
out" the record track, the RECORD LED turns off, and the part continues to play from where it was.