One MT104-108 card is in slot #2 of unit 3:
Send the command [VERC2U3] and the
Multi-Tasker™ Enclosure will return:
MT104-108 690-0160-002
MT104-108 = card type
690-0160-002= software version
2. [C]
This command receives the status of the card.
Command Format: [CnUi]
Cn = card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = unit ID (i = from 0 to 9) ( refer to the
MT100-100 user’s guide for explanation)
An MT104-108 card is in slot #2 of unit 3 and
input 1 is ON. Sending the command [C2U3]
will yield the following feedback from the
ON: 1 C02
ON: 1= input 1 is ON
C02 = card is in slot 2
If there is no card in slot #2 of unit 3, sending
the [C2U3] command will not return any
3. [CnS]
This command saves the current status of the
card's input selection configuration. This
configuration will be restored after system is
reset or powered off then on.
Cn = card number
S = save configuration
If Inputs 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are enabled, the
feedback after sending the command [C4S], for
slot 4, would be:
ON:1,2,3,4,5,6 C04 Saved
4. [ON]
This command enables one input of a single
card or a group of cards.
[ONmCnUiS]: for a SINGLE card
This command enables input “m” and disables
all other inputs.
[ONmCnUi]: enables input
Default when plugged in = Input 1 is ON
m = Input number (m = 1 to 7, 7 is internal)
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
S = saves command to memory
If all of the inputs on the MT104-108 card are
OFF and the card is in slot #5 of unit 3:
1) [ON1C5U3]: Turns ON input 1.
2) [ON3C5U3]: Turns ON input 3 (input 1 is
now OFF).
[ONmGkUiS]: for a GROUP of cards
This command enables input "m" for each card
in group "k" of unit "i".
[ONmGkUi]: enables a group of inputs
m = Input (m = 1 to 7, input 7 is internal)
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
S =saves command to memory
[ON1G1U1]: Turns ON input 1 for each card in
group 1 of unit 1.
[ON…..P]: sets path
This command will set the path for the output,
but it is not active until the switch command,
[SW], is executed. Commands ending in "P" are
not executed immediately. The path for outputs
on multiple cards or the same card can be
preloaded and then all switched at the same
Command Format: [ONmCnUiP]
m = Input number (m = 1 to 7, 7 is internal)
Cn = card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
P = path