There are two MT104-108 cards in slots 6 and
7 of unit 3. Enable input 1 of card 6 and input 3
of card 7 simultaneously. Use the following
If "F" is included, use the [ONmCnUiPF]
command or the [ONmCnUiFP] command.
[ON…..F]: feedback
After processing a command, an OK or ER will
be returned as feedback if "F" is included at the
end of a command string.
[ON1C2U3F]: if path is not set
[ON1C2U3PF]: if path is set
5. [OFF]
This command disables one input of a single
card or a group of cards.
[OFFmCnUiS]: for a SINGLE card
This command disables input “m” or all inputs.
The command [OFFC5CnUi], turns OFF all
inputs of the MT104-108 card.
m = Input (m = 1 to 7, input 7 is internal
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
S = saves command to memory
Card 5 of unit 3 has input 1 ON. Card 6 of unit
3 has input 5 ON. The following commands
can be used to turn OFF the inputs on both
cards simultaneously.
1) [OFF1C5U3]: Turns OFF input 1.
2) [OFF3C6U3]: Turns OFF input 3.
3) [OFFmGkUiS]: for a group of cards
This command disables input "m" for each card
in group "k" of unit "i".
m = Input (m = 1 to 7, 7 is internal)
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
S = saves command to memory
1) [OFF1G1U1]: Turns OFF input 1 for each
card in group 1 of unit 1.
2) [OFFG1U1]: Turns OFF all inputs for each
card in group 1 of unit 1.
[OFF…..P]: sets path
This command will set the path for the output,
but it is not active until the switch command,
[SW], is executed. Commands ending in "P" are
not executed immediately. The path for outputs
on multiple cards or the same card can be
preloaded. Then, all connection may be made
Command Format: [OFFmCnUiP]
m = Input (m = 1 to 7, 7 is internal)
Cn = card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
P = path
There are two MT104-108 cards in slot 6 and 7
of unit 3. Enable input 1 of card 6 and input 3
of card 7 simultaneously. Use the following
If "F" is included, use the [OFFmCnUiPF]
command or the [OFFmCnUiFP] command.
[OFF…..F]: feedback
After processing a command, an OK or ER will
be returned as feedback if "F" is included at the
end of a command string.
[OFF1C2U3F]: if path is not set
[OFF1C2U3PF]: if path is set