380 AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book
Display Controller Register Descriptions
33234H Attribute Mode Control Overscan Color
Index 10h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value xxh
Attribute Mode Control Register Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
7 P5:4_SEL P5:4 Select. When this bit is a 1, bits [5:4] of the 8-bit VGA pixel value are taken from
bits [1:0] of the Color Select register (Index 14h). When a 0, bits [5:4] of the pixel are
taken from bits [5:4] of the EGA palette output.
6 PEL_W Pel Width. This bit is used in 256 color mode to shift four pixels through the attribute
controller for each character clock. Clearing this bit shifts eight pixels for each charac-
ter clock.
5 PEL_PAN_COMP Pel Panning Compatibility. When this bit is a 1, the scan lines following a line com-
pare are immune to the effects of the pel panning. When this bit is a 0, the entire
screen is affected by pel panning, regardless of the line compare operation.
4 RSVD Reserved.
3EN_BLINK Enable Blink. When this bit is a 1, attribute bit 7 is used to cause a character to blink
(bit 7 = 1) or not (bit 7 = 0). When this bit is 0, attribute bit 7 is used as a background
intensity bit.
2 EN_LGC Enable Line Graphics Codes. When this bit is 0, the 9th Dot in 9-wide character
modes is always set to the background color. When this bit is 1, the 9th Dot is equal to
the foreground color for character codes C0h-DFh, which are the line graphics charac-
ter codes.
1MON_EMU Monochrome Emulation. When this bit is a 1, the underline in 9-Dot mode extends for
all nine Dots and an underlined phrase will have a continuous line under it. When this
bit is 0, the underline is only active for eight Dots, and an underlined phrase will have a
broken line under it.
0GR_MODE Graphics Mode. When this bit is 1, graphics mode is selected and pixel data from the
frame buffer is used to produce the pixel stream. When this bit is 0, text mode is
selected, and text attribute and font pattern information is used to produce the pixel
Index 11h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value xxh
Overscan Color Register Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
7:0 OVER_COLOR Overscan Color. This value is output as the pixel value to the video DAC when the Dis-
play Enable signal from the CRTC is inactive.