AMD Geodeā¢ LX Processors Data Book 617
Electrical Specifications
Table 7-16. JTAG Interface Signals
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Comments
TCLK period 15 ns Note 1
TCLK High time 4 ns 40% period
TCLK Low time 4 ns 40% period
TDI, TMS Setup time to TCLK rising edge 1.5 ns
TMS Hold time from TCLK rising edge 3.0 ns
TDI Hold time from TCLK rising edge - Boundary
3.0 ns
TDI Hold time from TCLK rising edge - Functional 2*T
ns Hold for 2
GLBus clocks
TDO Output Valid Delay time from TCLK falling
edge when running boundary scan test
3.0 70.0 ns
TDO Output Valid Delay time from TCLK falling
edge in normal functional mode
3.0 10.0 ns
All chip I/O Setup time to TCLK rise - boundary
1.0 ns
All chip I/O Hold time from TCLK rise - boundary
All chip I/O Output Valid Delay time from TCLK
falling edge - boundary scan test
2.0 70.0 ns
Note 1. TCLK limited during functional mode to 100 MHz or 1/4 of the memory data frequency.