Introduction to the Caldera Del Fuego Tallboy
Available Options
Weather and Cooking Cover – a stylish and practical accessory
cover. Use it to insulate your Tallboy for long and slow cold
weather cooks. This heavy duty, coated material can withstand
1000° F temperatures.
Use it to protect your cooker from the elements when it is stored
outdoors. The rugged, tear resistant cover is easily cleaned and
readily folded for separate storage.
Thermometer and
Mount – a high-
quality 2” diameter
dial thermometer
made for us right here
in the good old USA
by Tel-Tru. Features
±1% of full span accuracy, hermetically sealed
stainless steel construction and a 50-500° F temperature range. The 2 ½” by .250” shaft mounts
easily in the silicone door bushing provided.
Side Shelf Bracket – use this accessory bracket
kit to mount an additional work surface. You can
never have too much cutting or plating space!
Off-Road Tires – when your cooking goes off the
pavement, you’ll need big soft wheels to get your
cooker there. This kit provides four heavy-duty 10”
diameter by 3” wide pneumatic tires on steel
wheels; it installs in minutes.
We have lots of other accessories available
including racks, pans, meat hooks, and all sorts of cooking and fire-management gadgetry. Visit
often to keep up-to-date on new inventions and offerings to make outdoor
cooking fun and productive.