Introduction to the Caldera Del Fuego Tallboy
Choosing the best BBQ Guru system for your needs
Select exactly the control system you need for your Caldera Del Fuego Tallboy. Choose from
three fine BBQ Guru controllers and three Turbo Draft Fans. Match your control system to
your cooking wants and needs.
ProCom4 – Our feature-laden wireless digital Guru controller
provides a remote hand-held readout of pit temperature, meat
temperature, two other monitored temperatures, cook timer, fan
operation and more. Set the pit and meat temperatures from 600’
away at the press of a button. Read temperatures in Fahrenheit (°
F) or Centigrade (° C). Set pit 32° - 400° F, meat from 32° to 210°
F. Choose ProCom4 if you want the ultimate in control flexibility
and ease of use.
Competitor – Our most popular Guru controller provides pit (175°
– 400° F) and meat temperature (110° – 210° F) control. Set the
desired temperature(s) on the dials and monitor their instantaneous
values and fan status on digital thermometer readouts. Unique
Guru Low & Slow Ramp mode reduces the pit temperature as
desired meat temperature is approached, providing more precise
cooking control. Select Competitor if you need a simple-to-
operate, full-featured controller.
Pit Minder – The original (and many think the best) BBQ Guru
controller is our least expensive and simplest unit. It controls pit
temperature from 90° to 370° F. Choose Pit Minder if you do not
need meat temperature control for applications including drying,
smoking, deep frying and warming& holding.
Pit Runner - 4 CFM Pit Viper - 10 CFM Pit Bull - 25 CFM
BBQ Guru offers three Turbo Draft Fans differing in air-delivery capacity (cubic feet per minute
or ‘CFM’). The mid-range 10 CFM Pit Viper is the perfect match to the Caldera Del Fuego
Tallboy for all applications. The smaller Pit Runner is satisfactory for smoking and cooking
smaller loads. The 25 CFM Pit Bull may be used for all applications requiring high heat output
or rapid step temperature change. The Pit Bull can also be used for cookers and pits larger than
your Tallboy.