
Configuring Communication
7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
9. Click OK three times to close the open dialogs, save your settings, and return to the main
NetLinx Studio application.
10. Click the OnLine Tree tab in the Workspace window to view the devices on the Virtual
System. The default System value is one.
11. Right-click on the Empty Device Tree/System entry and select Refresh System to re-populate
the list.
The panel will not appear as a device below the virtual system number (in the Online Tree
tab) until both the system number used in step 7 for the VNM is entered into the Master
Connection section of the System Connection page and the panel is restarted.
The Connection status turns green after a few seconds to indicate an active USB
connection to the PC (Virtual Master). No Lock icon is displayed because this USB
connection is not secured (requiring a username/password).
If a few minutes have gone by and the System Connection icon still does not turn green,
repeat the USB connection and Virtual Master setup procedures (outlined in this section).
Refreshing the System sends out a request to the panel to respond and completes the
communication (turning the System Connection icon green).
Step 5: Confirm and View the current AMX USB device connections
Use the CC-USB Type-A to Mini-B 5-wire programming cable (FG10-5965) to provide
communication between the mini-USB Program port on the touch panel and the PC. This method
of communication is used to transfer firmware KIT files and TPD4 touch panel files.
1. Verify this direct USB connection (Type-A on the panel to mini-USB on the panel) is
configured properly using the steps outlined in the previous two sections.
2. With the panel already configured for USB communication and the Virtual Master setup within
NetLinx Studio, its now time to verify the panel is ready to receive files.
3. Click the OnLine Tree tab in the Workspace window to view the devices on the Virtual
System. The default System value is one.
4. Right-click on the System entry (A in FIG. 55) and select Refresh System. This causes a
refresh of all project systems, establishes a new connection to the Virtual Master, and populates
the System list with devices on your particular system.
If the G4 panel does not appear, refer to the Troubleshooting section on page 163 for
more information.
A mini-USB connection is only detected after it is installed onto an active
panel. Connection to a previously powered panel which then reboots, allows
the PC to detect the panel and assign an appropriate USB driver.