
Upgrading Modero Firmware
7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
4. Click Done to accept the new value and return to the System Configuration page.
5. Do not alter the Master Port Number value (this is the default value used by NetLinx).
6. Press the Back button to return to the Protected Setup page and press the on-screen Reboot
button to restart the panel and save any changes.
Step 3: Verify and Upgrade the panel firmware via an IP
1. Click the OnLine Tree tab in the Workspace window to view the devices on the System. The
default System value is one.
2. Right-click the associated System number (from the Workspace window) and select Refresh
System to detect of all devices on the current system, establish a new connection to the Master,
and refresh the System list with devices on that system.
3. After the Communication Verification dialog window verifies active communication between
the PC and the Master, verify the panel appears in the OnLine Tree tab of the Workspace
window (FIG. 74). The default Modero panel value is 10001.
4. If the panel firmware version is not the latest available; locate the latest firmware file from the
www.amx.com > Tech Center > Downloadable Files > Firmware Files > Modero Panels
section of the website.
5. Download the appropriate KIT file to your computer.
6. Verify you have downloaded the latest Modero firmware (KIT) file to a known location.
7. Select Tools > Firmware Transfers > Send to NetLinx Device from the Main menu to open
the Send to NetLinx Device dialog (FIG. 75). Verify the panel’s System and Device number
values match those values listed within the System folder in the OnLine Tree tab of the
Workspace window.
8. Select the panel’s KIT file from the Files section (FIG. 75).
9. Enter the Device value associated with the panel and the System number associated with the
Master (listed in the OnLine Tree tab of the Workspace window). The Port field is greyed-out.
FIG. 74 NetLinx Workspace window (showing connected Modero panel)
Showing the NetLinx Master
firmware version and
device number
Showing the current Modero
panel firmware version and
device number
Shows NetLinx Studio
version number
The panel firmware is shown on the right of the listed panel. New G4 firmware
features are available with firmware beginning with v2.XX.