remove the vacuum relief valve(s) and replace it with and
end cap. Relocate a vacuum relief valve to a position in
the inlet piping which is at a height of approximately
three-fourths of the elevation of the collectors above the
pool. Refer to Figure 1.
(A quicker alternate method is to first try to reverse the
end cap and the vacuum relief valve on the collector
array to see if this stops the bubbles in the return lines.
Sometimes the end cap is about 3/4 of the elevation of
the collectors and this is a lot quicker than cutting in a tee
in the supply pipe.)
Winterizing Procedures
The solar collectors should drain automatically each time
the pump cycles off. There are no special requirements
for winterizing the solar collectors. The pool piping
should be winterized as per your normal practice. In
southern parts of the country pool owners operate their
pools throughout the winter although light freezing condi-
tions may occur. The accepted procedure for avoiding
freezing of the pool piping and filtration system has been
to continuously circulate the water. When solar heaters
are used on a pool under these conditions, anti-freeze
precautions should be taken. Aquatherm Industries solar
collectors are not normally affected by light freezing.
However, in order to protect appurtenant components
such as end caps and pipe fittings and the collectors
against unusual or severe freezing conditions, one of the
following two procedures should be followed when freez-
ing weather is imminent.
1. Turn circulating system off and allow solar collectors
and piping to drain. Isolate collectors with gate or ball
valve in collector feed line and a check valve in the col-
lector return line. Switch the solar control collector to the
bypass position. The pool filtering system may then be
turned back on. When freezing conditions have passed,
open isolation valves and switch the solar control collec-
tor to “AUTO”.
2. Switch the solar control collector to the “COLL” posi-
tion so that water circulates through the collector. When
freezing conditions have passed, switch the solar control
Annual Service
Collector Clamps:
In particularly hot climates, such as Arizona and
Southern Florida, the clamps which are used to connect
the solar collectors may become loose. If you notice
leaks around the hose couplings, use a nutdriver to tight-
en clamps. Do not tighten to the extent that the pipe col-
lapses or the clamp gears strip. In areas where unusual-
ly high stagnation temperatures are prevalent or where
abnormally high system pressures occur, use header
insert (Part #50055-1/-2).
This method allows for an easy and permanent on site
repair of a collector by isolating the leaking riser tube.
Referring to the figure below, locate the tube to be isolat-
ed. (End tube has been shown for clarity.) Using a sharp
utility knife, very carefully cut away approximately 1” of
the tube at both headers. Drive a #10 - #12 sheet metal
screw, preferably stainless, into the hole in the header.
The screw must be between 1/2” and 3/4” long. DO NOT
OVERTIGHTEN! If the screw strips out, or if the repair
leaks, use a larger screw. This repair method will not void
the collector warranty.