Aluminum Mounting Bracket & Header Clamp Assembly
Hold-Down Strap is required to secure collectors to
the counting surface. Use strap 10035-1 (54’) for rows of
up to 6 collectors or strap 10035-2 (107’) for rows of up
to 12 collectors.
The Row Spacer Kit (Part #12017-1 for 1 1/2” kit; #12017-2
for 2” kit) is used when a row of collectors must be interrupted by
a space to allow for obstructions such as a chimney or roof vent.
It contains the hardware needed to space around any width
obstructions by connecting appropriate lengths of PVC pipe to
the pipe adapters at the inlet and outlet headers of the two col-
lectors on either side of the obstructions. Use when required.
The Optional Supplemental System Isolation Kit
(Part #12033-5) includes a 1 1/2” - 2” PVC union ball
valve and a 1 1/2” -2” PVC check valve to permit manual
isolation of the solar system from the pool or spa filtration
system. Use one (1) kit per system.
The Add-A-Row Kit (Part #12043-1 for 1 1/2” kit; #12043-
2 for 2” kit) is used when more than one row of collectors is to
be installed. Use one (1) kit for each collector row after the first.
The Aluminum Header Bracket (Part #30171-1 for 1 1/2”;
#30177-1 for 2”) is used as optional outlet header mounting
hardware. It replaces or can be used in conjunction with the
Outlet Header Hold-Down Bracket assembly (10008-1/-2). The
bracket is designed for installations that require more flexibility
for the outlet header mounting hardware location, such as bar-
rel tile roofs or installations that require mounting hardware to
be anchored into rafters or beams.
The Aluminum Header Clamp Assembly (Part #10117-1 for
1 1/2”; #10117-2 for 2”)
is used the same as the Aluminum
Header Bracket (30171-1) and allows for collector
replacement without disturbing the roof penetrations.
Double Hole Outlet Header Bracket
(Part #50069) may be used on steep roof
applications or in high wind areas where
extra hold-down strength is required.
Part No Qty 1 1/2” Qty 2” Description
10003-1 1
Vacuum Relief Valve
1 Vacuum Relief Valve
10008-1 1
Outlet header hold-down bracket assembly
1 Outlet header hold-down bracket assembly
10011 4 4 Hold-down strap clamp assembly
30061-1 1
End cap
1 End cap
30089-1 2
Pipe adapter
2 Pipe adapter
50006 2 2 Hold-down strap bracket
60001-2 2
System connector hose (7” long)
2 System connector hose (7” long)
60546-1 4
Hose clamp, stainless steel
4 Hose clamp, stainless steel
Part No Qty 1 1/2” Qty 2” Description
10008-1 1
Outlet header hold-down bracket assembly
1 Outlet header hold-down bracket assembly
10011 4 4 Hold-down strap clamp assembly
30089-1 4
Pipe adapter
4 Pipe adapter
50006 2 2 Hold-down strap bracket
60001-1 2
Collector connector hose (3 3/4” long)
2 Collector connector hose (3 3/4” long)
60546-1 4
Hose clamp, stainless steel
4 Hose clamp, stainless steel