PN9108 User Manual
Single Stage Installation
In a Single Stage installation, there are no additional PN9108 Stations daisy
chained down from the first unit. To set up a single stage installation, refer to
the installation diagram below (the numbers in the diagram correspond to the
numbered steps), and do the following:
1. For each device, use an AC Output cable to connect from any available
PN9108 output port to the device's AC socket.
2. Safe Shutdown is supported for computers running Windows 98SE, ME,
NT, 2000, XP, and 2003 Server.
If you choose to utilize the Safe Shutdown feature (use of this feature is
optional), for each computer use a Safe Shutdown cable to connect from
the PN9108's Safe Shutdown port to the computer's Serial port.
Note: You must connect the computer to the same letter designation for
both the AC Outlet and Safe Shutdown port.
3. Plug the LAN or WAN cable into the PN9108's RJ-45 socket.
4. If you choose to use a UPS, or a modem or PC for OOB operation, connect
its serial port to the PN9108's RS-232 port.
5. Use the AC power cord provided with this package to connect the
PN9108's Power Socket to an AC power source. See p. 76 for power cord
safety information.
Once you are cabled up, you can turn on the PN9108 and the connected
Note: 1. We strongly advise that you do not plug the PN9108 into a multi
socket extension cord, since it may not receive enough amperage to
operate correctly.
2. We strongly recommend using cable ties and cable bars to safely and
securely route the cables attached to the back of the unit.