PN9108 User Manual
Note: If the PN9108 is on a network that uses DHCP to assign network
addresses, and you don't know what the address is, there are several
methods you can use to ascertain it. See IP Address Determination,
page 78 for details.
When the
DHCP Enable
radio button is selected, the fields in the Network
Settings section are disabled, and a
Mail Configuration
panel appears:
1. Key in the domain name or IP address of the SMTP mail server for
your network in the top field.
2. If your server requires authentication, check the SMTP server requires
authentication checkbox and key in your account name and password
in the fields provided.
3. Key in the address of your email account in the Email From field.
4. Key in the email addresses of the users you want to receive the IP
address in the bottom field. This field can only accept 128 total
characters. Addresses can be comma, semicolon, or spacebar delimited.
5. When you are all done, click Save and Restart to close the dialog box
and reset the PN9108.
Note: Be sure that the DNS setting field is filled in with a value appropriate to
the network you are on.