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Q1: What is the flow control method recommended?
A1: If the host is a PC, Hardware flow control is recommended.
However, in most control instrumentation, either software or no flow control is
called for.
Q2: How do I disable any flow control?
A2: Simply disable both the Hardware and software control switch settings. This is
not recommended for large file transfers.
Q3: I need to connect the Cellular Data Link to a machine, which does not
understand your messages. All it needs is data. Which configuration is
A3: Please use the ATQ1&w&w1<CR> command.
Q4: Have you experienced unreliable communication with certain modems?
A4: Yes. Several generic brands tend to throw hot signals (i.e. strong signal levels)
on the line. This causes the cellular service to over-modulate, which leads to
distortions and results in unreliable connections.
Q5: What is the solution?
A5: We recommend that you use modems that support MNP-10 and also allow
transmit level to be reduced to between –15 dbm à20 dbm. Rockwell based
modem designs generally meet these requirements.
For Rockwell based modems, please try the following commands
on the land line modem:
AT-SEC=1,18 <CR>. This will enable MNP 10 and set transmits level to
18 dbm.
AT+MS=11,1,1200,2400X3&W&W1<CR>. Sets the modem to
communicate between 1200 and 2400 bps.
Q6: Is there any simple way to avoid frequent loss of connection?
A6: Please program the CMM 900-3W as follows
This will force the CMM 900-3W to connect only at 1200 bps.
Q7: What initialization string is recommended to communicate with non-MNP
A7: Connection with non-MNP landline modems is not recommended.