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Flow Control based on the CMM 900-3W switch settings
Click OK.
Step 8: Select Call>Disconnect
Step 9: Select Call>Connect
Step 10: Select File>Properties>Settings>ASCII setup
Step 11: Check the following:
In the ASCII Sending field, check Echo typed characters locally.
In the ASCII receiving field, check Append line feeds to incoming line ends
and Wrap lines that exceed terminal width.
Step 12: Click OK twice.
Step 13: Select Call>Disconnect
Step 14: Select Call>Connect
Step 15: Select File>Save
Step 16: Hit <CR> on the keyboard. The Cellular Modem will return OK.
This is the indication that the entire hardware setup and configuration is OK.
4.3 Activating the Cellular Modem:
To activate, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Enter AT+TEST<CR>. The unit responds OK.
Step 2: Enter AT+MIN=<Allocated_MIN ><CR> The unit responds OK.
Step 3: Enter AT+SID=<Allocated_SID ><CR> The unit responds OK
Step 4: Enter AT+SYS=00 <CR> (will select system B only), or
=01 <CR> (will select system A only), or
=02 <CR> (SID will determine preferred system, however roaming
charges may apply).
The Cellular Modem does NOT have to be configured every-time. The above
information is stored in the Non-volatile memory built in the CMM 900-3W.
Step 5: Enter AT+MODE=02<CR> The unit is now set for data mode.
Step 6: Enter AT+SER <CR> The unit responds with SERVICE AVAILABLE.
4.4 Using the Cellular Modem to Communicate
To use the Cellular Modem to communicate with a modem, perform the following steps: