Status Indicators and Control Panel Messages
C-133550-A2-GB20-10 February 1995
Table C-10
(3 of 3)
TDM/Flex Error Messages
Message ActionCondition
Sync >Async Req The port’s asynchronous rate setting
requires that more capacity (bandwidth)
be allocated to the port.
Asynchronous rates of 150, 300, 600, and
1200 bps require the allocation of 1200
bps. Exception: At a line speed of
56 kbps, asynchronous rates 150, 300,
600, and 1200 bps require the allocation
of 2400 bps.
Asynchronous rate of 1800 bps requires
the allocation of 2400 bps.
For all other available asynchronous
rates, the asynchronous rate equals the
synchronous rate.
Allocate more capacity (bandwidth) to the
port; that is, set the port rate to a higher
speed via the PrtSp submenu.
Sync Port Requir The sum of the TDM/Flex port speeds
equals the DSU/DBM rate, and all ports
are configured for asynchronous
Correct the problem in one of two ways:
1. Increase the DSU’s, DBM’s, or
ExtBU’s data rate.
2. Decrease the DSU, DBM, or ExtBU
port speeds and the Async rate via the
PrtSp submenu.
Undersp Required The sum of the TDM/Flex port speeds
equals the DSU, DBM, or ExtBU rate, and
at least one port is configured for
synchronous operation, but no port is
configured for underspeed.
Configure the synchronous port to
underspeed via the appropriate path
(DSU or DBM) in the PrtSp submenu.
10BPC & 2 Stops An attempt is made to configure the
asynchronous character format for 10 bits
per character, plus 2 stop bits.
Two stop bits are
not allowed
when there
are10 bits per character.
Select 1 for Stop Bits via the appropriate
path (Prt1 or Prt2) in the MUX submenu.
Too Many Ports The Lowest Port Number and Number of
Ports in Group specifications for a
digital-sharing group cannot be realized.
Select new specifications for the
digital-sharing group via the Setup path in
the MUX submenu.