COMSPHERE 3550 Series Data Service Units
1-2 February 1995 3550-A2-GB20-10
• Diagnostic Control Panel control. The
Model 3550 DSU is controlled from its diagnostic
control panel (DCP). The diagnostic control panel
for the Model 3551 DSU, called a shared diagnostic
control panel (SDCP), is installed in the
3000 Series Carrier. Both control panels display
information about the DSU on a 2-line,
16-character liquid crystal display (LCD) and
through light-emitting diode (LED) status
Except where a distinction is
made, the term DCP refers to both
types of diagnostic control panels,
the DCP or the SDCP.
• Full tributary diagnostics. The DSU supports a
full complement of diagnostic tests and commands.
Diagnostics can be addressed to and sent to
tributaries from a 6700 Series NMS workstation or
from the DCP of a control DSU.
• External dial backup. The DSU can use an
external dial backup unit (DBU – e.g., a
3800 Series dial/lease modem) to provide backup.
This feature may be used in a point-to-point DSU
configuration and can be used with either a control
or tributary DSU.
For more information about the 3000 Series Carrier or
the SDCP, refer to the COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier,
Installation Manual. For more information about the
6700 Series NMS, refer to the COMSPHERE 6700 Series
Network Management System, User’s Guide. These are
identified in the Related Documents section of the
Preface, which also provides a telephone number you can
call to order these documents.
Optional Features
The Model 3550 DSU can be ordered with the
following optional features:
• V.32bis 14.4 kbps Dial Backup Module (DBM)
• Time Division Multiplexer (TDM/Flex)
The Model 3551 DSU can be ordered with a V.32bis
14.4 kbps DBM, or it can be used with an external DBU.
If your DSU is not equipped with these options, go to
the next section.
V.32 DBM
The V.32bis 14.4 kbps dial backup module (referred to
as DBM throughout this guide) childboard is attached to
the DSU circuit card. The DBM provides the following
• Multispeed point-to-point backup. The DBM
provides point-to-point service over the 2-wire dial
network. Backup rates available are 2.4, 4.8, 9.6,
12.0, and 14.4 kbps.
• Independent operation. Although the DBM is
installed on the DSU, the two are configured
separately and most tests can be run on either
independent of the other (e.g., you can run a test on
the DBM while a test is running on the DSU).
• Security. There are four levels of call setup
security: None, Password, Callback, and Alarm.
• Management control. Dial backup can be initiated
from a 6700 Series NMS, the DSU’s DCP, or it can
be initiated automatically by the DSU-DBM.
• Automatic setup and restoration. When
configured for automatic backup, the DSU-DBM
initiates dial backup when it detects a failure in the
network, then restores the data path to the DDS
circuit when the network returns to service.