4 At Data = , enter the code for the data terminal you’re
■ 1801 for a DLC (ZTN126 or TN726)
■ 1802 for a STARLAN CP (ZTN84).
Note The only way to change an existing terminal type is
to remove and reinstall the station.
5 Next, assign a Data Dial Code (DDC):
You see the prompt,
Action = 2.
At Data = , enter the DDC for this station. The valid
range is 1-9999.
6 To administer class of service for this station, see Assigning
Class of Service Options in this chapter.
Display Support
To assign or remove a
1 At
Action = , enter 90.
DDC Display ID
2 At
Data = , enter the Display ID (not more than 11
characters, enclosed in double quotes), or “” to remove
the ID.
Removing a Data Station
To remove a data
Note When you remove a station, any Display ID associated
terminal with that DDC will also be removed.
1 From the Main Menu prompt, enter 1.
2 At
Port = , enter the CSSPP for the station you’re
3 At
Action = , enter 1.
4 At
Data = , enter 0.
If this station is associated with another station(s) for a
feature such as Third-Party Call Set-Up, you will see a
warning message for each type of association. To go on
with the action, respond to the system message,
c for
continue, any other key for abort.
When there are no more
associations with the station you want to remove, you see:
8-2 Administering Data Line and STARLAN CP Ports