ARS Patterns
The next set of procedures tells you how to assign routing patterns for “A” and “B”
subpatterns. Each subpattern consists of a set of routes and associated Facility Restriction
Levels (FRLs) plus DDD overflow authorization with an associated FRL. The information
required for subpatterns A and B is similar except that start times and stop times are
associated only with A subpatterns.
Note If you change a routing pattern, the associated route FRL does not remain at its
previous value, but reverts to 0. Therefore, you need to reenter the FRL of any route
you change.
Define Subpattern A
Actions 100, 101, 102, and 110 through 141 define the routing patterns (1 through 8) for the
“A” (prime time) subpatterns.
■ Action 100 defines the pattern number.
■ Action 101 sets the start time for subpattern A.
■ Action 102 sets the stop time for subpattern A.
■ Each pattern, 1 through 8, has its own start and stop times,
The following sequence of Action=/Data= pairs can be administered eight times to establish
eight subpatterns (1A through 8A).
To assign a Pattern
1 At
Action = , enter 100.
2 At
Data = , enter a pattern number, 1-8.
To assign a start time for
1 At
Action = , enter 101. †
subpattern A
2 At
Data = , enter the start time in the form HOUR,
Action = 100 must be entered first.
12-2 Administering Automatic Route Selection (ARS)