
MDF connections to stations and the public switched telephone network
56 Installing and Connecting the MDF and Telephones
The 507B includes 52 sneak fuses and two cables and can be ordered using PEC code 63210.
Use the SCP-110 protectors with 110-type hardware and on the 507B sneak fuse panel. The
SCP-110 Protectors can be ordered separately and installed on the 157B connecting block. Fifty
protectors are required per block.
Install the 507B near the network interface or patch panels with locally obtained #12 x 3/4-inch
screws (or equivalent).
Table 6: Sneak fuse connector pinout
on page 56 is a pinout of the cable wiring and associated
fuse numbers.
Table 6: Sneak fuse connector pinout
pin numbers
26/1 1
27/2 2
28/3 3
29/4 4
30/5 5
31/6 6
32/7 7
33/8 8
34/9 9
35/10 10
36/11 11
37/12 12
38/13 13
39/14 14
40/15 15
41/16 16
42/17 17
43/18 18
44/19 19
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