Installing and wiring telephones and trunks
86 Installing and Connecting the MDF and Telephones
Attendant console example
Perform these tasks to install an attendant console
● Installing the attendant console on page 87
● Installing the 26B1 Selector Console on page 88
Attendant console cabling distances, local
and phantom power
A console’s maximum distance from the media gateway is limited. The maximum distance for a
302D console is as shown in Table 13: Attendant console cabling distances
Auxiliary power
CAUTION: Do not use the 329A power unit for the attendant console.
The nonessential functions of an attendant console and its optional 26A1 or 24A1 selector
console derive their power from an auxiliary power source. Of the maximum of 27 attendant
consoles, 3 of the consoles can derive auxiliary power from the media gateway and through the
auxiliary cable located in the trunk/auxiliary field. Provide auxiliary power for a primary attendant
console through this cable so the console remains fully operational during short power outages.
Table 13: Attendant console cabling distances
Enhanced Attendant
Console (302D)
24 AWG wire
(0.5106 mm
26 AWG wire
(0.4049 mm
Feet Meters Feet Meters
With Selector Console
Phantom powered 800 244 500 152
Locally powered 5,000 1,524 3,400 1,037
Without Selector Console
Phantom powered 1,400 427 900 274
Locally powered 5,000 1,524 3,400 1,037