Installing JTAPI Client Software
158 Installation Guide
2. Placement options for the TSAPI.PRO file for access in Netscape Communicator are
as follows:
a. Copy the TSAPI.PRO file to the directory on your web site that will host your web
b. If the clients use different Tservers, then the information in the TSAPI.PRO file will
be different for each client. Install a TSAPI.PRO file on each client and set the
CLASSPATH to include the directory that contains the TSAPI.PRO file.
3. Placement options for the TSAPI.PRO file for access in Internet Explorer are as
a. If the web page is using signed cabinets, such as ecsjtapia.cab, the files in the cab
are extracted to the java library directory on the client and used from there. In this
case the TSAPI.PRO file must be installed in the client’s java library directory. (On a
Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP machine this is the java\lib directory.)
4. Edit the TSAPI.PRO file to include the TCP/IP addresses or hostnames of the Tservers
that you will be using. The default port number is 450.