Monitoring your network
260 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
Bad Frag Alloc
Number of failed attempts to allocate a
Fragment table entry for outbound packets.
This occurs when a filter rule is declared using
the ‘keep frag’ option. A packets matching this
rule cause a Fragment table entry to be
allocated. If the table is full, the allocation fails.
New Frag Alloc
Number of successful attempts to allocate a
Fragment table entry for inbound packets. This
occurs when a filter rule is declared using the
‘keep frag’ option. A packets matching this rule
cause a Fragment table entry to be allocated.
This value does not reflect the size of the
table, only the number of entry allocations
which succeeded.
New Frag Alloc
Number of successful attempts to allocate a
Fragment table entry for outbound packets.
This occurs when a filter rule is declared using
the ‘keep frag’ option. A packets matching this
rule cause a Fragment table entry to be
allocated. This value does not reflect the size
of the table, only the number of entry
allocations which succeeded.
Unneeded Frag
Alloc In
Number of successful, but unnecessary
attempts to allocate Fragment table entries for
inbound packets. When a filter rule is declared
using the ‘keep frag’ option, matching packets
cause a Fragment table entry to be allocated.
This allocation takes place before the
determination is made that the packet is
indeed a fragment. If the packet is later
determined NOT to be a fragment, the table
entry is de-allocated and this counter is
Unneeded Frag
Alloc Out
Number of successful, but unnecessary
attempts to allocate Fragment table entries for
outbound packets. When a filter rule is
declared using the ‘keep frag’ option, matching
packets cause a Fragment table entry to be
allocated. This allocation takes place before
the determination is made that the packet is
indeed a fragment. If the packet is later
determined NOT to be a fragment, the table
entry is de-allocated and this counter is
Table 23: FilterStats Parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
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