Signing Certificates
Issue 4 May 2005 317
Oakley A key exchange protocol used in IPSec as part of the Internet Key Exchange
Packet Filter Hardware or software mechanism used in firewalls to discards packets based
on the contents of the packet headers.
Perfect Forward
Perfect Forward Secrecy defines a parameter of ISAKMP in which disclosure of
long-term secret keying material does not compromise the secrecy of the
exchanged keys from previous communications. Enabling Perfect Forward
Secrecy is “more secure”. See the IETF draft-ietf-ipsec-oakley-02.txt for more
information on Perfect Forward Secrecy.
PKI Public Key Infrastructure is the organization of certificate issuers and certificate
management processes.
Preshared Secret Preshared Secret is the simplest key management method used to construct a
VPN. Authentication key exchanges between security gateways in the VPN are
based on a single pre-shared secret known to all security gateways.
Public Key
A special block of data used to identify the owner of a particular public key. It
describes the value of a public key, the key’s owner, and the digital signature of
the issuing authority.
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service is a client/server remote user
authentication protocol in widespread use.
Resilient Tunnel A mechanism of providing automatic backup of a secure tunnel between two
endpoints. In practical application, a primary security gateway sends a
“heartbeat” packets to a secondary security gateway every few seconds
(configurable). Should the primary security gateway fail, the secondary security
gateway will stop receiving the heartbeat packets. When this happens, the
secondary security gateway switches over and takes on the role of primary
security gateway.
SA Security Association is an IPSec agreement between to communicating
devices on which authentication and encryption algorithms (including key
lifetimes) are used.
Session Key A cryptographic key that has a finite life expectancy, typically for a single
Signing Certificates See Certificates, Signing