
Administering Telephone Options
80 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
ENABLE_REDIAL_LIST 1 Enables or disables the capability to redial out of a list of
recently dialed numbers instead of performing last
number redial. Values are 0=disabled (last number redial
only is offered to the user); 1=enabled (user can select
either last number redial or redial from a list).
ENHDIALSTAT 1 Enhanced Dialing Status. Valid range is 0 to 2. If set to “0”
the feature is turned off. If set to “1” it is partially enabled
(dialing rules do not apply for dialing from Contacts). If
set to “2”, the Enhanced Local Dialing
feature is fully
enabled (dialing rules also apply for dialing from
Contacts). Note that If CTDC_SUPPORT is enabled,
Enhanced Local Dialing is automatically disabled,
independent of the actual setting of ENHDIALSTAT. If
CTDC_SUPPORT is disabled, Enhanced Local Dialing is
processed as defined by ENHDIALSTAT.
" " (Null) Used to connect to Microsoft Exchange™ server to
access calendar data. Zero to 255 characters: zero or
more IP Addresses in dotted decimal or DNS name
format, separated by commas without any intervening
" " (Null) String of 0 to 255 characters representing user domain
for Microsoft Exchange™ Server.
30 Timer to automatically remove a failed call session.
Range in seconds is 5 to 999.
G726_PAYLOAD_TYPE 110 RTP dynamic payload used for G.726. Range is 96
to 127.
GMTOFFSET 0:00 Offset used to calculate time from GMT reference time.
Default string length positive or negative number of hours
and minutes less than 13 hours.
GROUP 0 Specific user group as tested in configuration files. Valid
values are 0 to 999.
HEADSYS 1 Headset operational mode. One ASCII numeric digit.
Valid values are:
0 or 2=General Operation, where a disconnect message
returns the telephone to an idle state.
1 or 3=Call Center Operation, where a disconnect
message does not change the state of the telephone.
HTTPDIR " " (Null) HTTP server directory path. The path name prepended to
all file names used in HTTP and HTTPS get operations
during initialization. Value: 0-127 ASCII characters, no
spaces. Null is a valid value. Leading or trailing slashes
are not required. The command syntax is “GET HTTPDIR
myhttpdir” where “myhttpdir” is your HTTP server path.
HTTPDIR is the path for all HTTP operations.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
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