Administering Telephone Options
84 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Administrator Guide SIP Release 2.0
MUSICSRVR List of Music-on-Hold Server IP or DNS address(es).
Used to retrieve "Music on hold" for audio streams of
sessions put on hold (in case of several entries first
address always first, etc.). In some third-party proxy
environments the SIP proxy/registrar might be different
from the Music-on-Hold server. In this case, the
Music-on-Hold server is set via this parameter. If both
functions are provided by the same server, it is not
necessary to set MUSICSRVR and the SIP proxy server
is used for Music-on-Hold. Zero to 255 characters: zero
or more IP addresses in dotted decimal or DNS name
format, separated by commas without any intervening
spaces. if operating in a non-Avaya environment, this
value is set via a SET command in the settings file,
otherwise the address of SIP Proxy server is used.
MWISRVR " " (Null) List of Message Waiting Indicator Event Server IP or
DNS address(es). Used to register for MWI event
notifications (in case of several entries first address
always first, etc.). In some third-party proxy environments
the SIP proxy/registrar may be different than the MWI
server. In this case, the MWI server is set via this
parameter. If both functions are provided by the same
server, it is not necessary to set MWISRVR. The SIP
proxy server is then used for MWI indications. Zero to
255 characters: zero or more IP addresses in dotted
decimal or DNS name format, separated by commas
without any intervening spaces. if operating in a
non-Avaya environment, this value is set via a SET
command in the settings file, otherwise the address of
SIP Proxy server is used.
MYCERTCAID CAIdentifier Certificate Authority Identifier. String identifying whether
the endpoints can work with another certificate authority.
MYCERTCN $SERIALNO Common name (CN) for SUBJECT in SCEP certificate
request. Values are:
$SERIALNO = the phone's serial number is included as
CN parameter in the SUBJECT of a certificate request.
$MACADDR = the phone's MAC address is included as
CN parameter in the SUBJECT in the certificate request.
MYCERTDN " " (Null) Common part of SUBJECT in SCEP certificate request.
String which defines the part of SUBJECT in a certificate
request (including Organizational Unit, Organization,
Location, State, Country), of 0 to 255 characters, starting
with / and separating items with /.
MYCERTKEYLEN 1024 Private Key length in range of 1024 to 2048.
MYCERTRENEW 90 Threshold to renew certificate (given as percentage of
device certificate's Validity Object). Range is 1 to 99.
MYCERTURL " " (Null) URL of SCEP server. String representing zero or one URI
starting with "http://", 0 to 255 characters.
Table 11: 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Customizeable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default
Description and Value Range
11 of 21