Installing and Cabling the Cabinets
32 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
407790591 120 VAC Power Cord (India)
106278062 Apparatus Blank (Circuit Pack Blank) (158P)
108724907 8-Mbyte Mass-Storage Translation Card (White Card)
108724915 16-Mbyte Mass-Storage Translation Card (White Card)
108724923 48-Mbyte Mass-Storage Translation Card (White Card)
106606536 Integrated Channel Service Unit (ICSU) (120A2)
107988867 DS1 Loopback Jack (T1 Only) (700A)
107152969 75-ohm DS1 Coaxial Adapter (888B)
403613003 157B Connecting Block
406948976 6SCP-110 Protector
107435091 507B Sneak Current Fuse Panel
407216316 220029 Sneak Current Fuse
403613003 157B Connecting Block
103970000 Main Distribution Frame Label (Code 220A)
104307327 C6C cable — 50-ft (15.2 m) shielded DS1 cable with 50-pin male to
15-pin male
104307376 C6D cable — 50-ft (15.2 m) shielded DS1 cable with 50-pin male on
each end
104307434 C6E cable — 100-ft (30.5 m) shielded DS1 cable with 50-pin male to
50-pin female
104307475 C6F cable — 50-ft (15.2 m) shielded DS1 cable with 50-pin male to
3 in. (7.6 cm) stub
102381779 3B1A Carbon Block
104410147 3B1E-W Wide Gap Gas Tube
105514756 3C1S Solid State
102904893 4B1C Carbon Block with Heat Coil
104401856 4B1E-W Wide Gap Gas Tube with Heat Coil
104386545 4C1S Solid State with Heat Coil
Table 4: Comcodes for CMC1 (continued)
Comcode Description
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