Installing and Cabling the Cabinets
96 Installation, Upgrades and Additions for Avaya CMC1 Media Gateways
Local and Phantom Power
An attendant console’s maximum distance from the system is limited.
See Table 13
1145B2 Power Supply
The 1145B2 closet power arrangement provides an uninterruptible -48 VDC power source with
battery and 1146B2 distribution unit for ISDN/DCP, terminal equipment, adjuncts, and other
customer-supplied equipment. During AC power interruptions, batteries automatically provide
power to the load.
Note: Before you begin, read this Important Warning for 1145B2 Power Supply on
page 97.
Perform these tasks in order:
1. Install the Wall-Mounting Plates
on page 101
2. Mount the 1146B2 Power Distribution Unit
on page 101
3. Install the Battery Mounting/Wiring
on page 102
4. Install the Expanded Power Distribution Unit
on page 102
5. Power Up and Test the Power Supply
on page 103
6. Wire the 1146B2 Power Distribution Unit
on page 104
7. Reset LEDs on Power Distribution Unit
on page 106
Table 13: Attendant Console Cabling Distances
Enhanced Attendant
Console (302D)
24 AWG Wire
(0.26 mm
26 AWG Wire
(0.14 mm
Feet Meters Feet Meters
With Selector Console
Phantom powered 800 244 500 152
Locally powered 5000 1524 3400 1037
Without Selector
Phantom powered 1400 427 900 274
Locally powered 5000 1524 3400 1037