5 Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300: On site Preparation for the Upgrade
Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
On site Preparation for the Upgrade
Perform these tasks before starting the software upgrade on the S8300.
Install the New License File, If Necessary
For an upgrade, you need to load a new license file when upgrading to a new major release of
Communication Manager or when changing the feature set.
Note: If the S8300 is already set up for remote access, Avaya services personnel can
copy new license and authentication files directly into the FTP directory on the
server. Avaya personnel will notify you when the new files are in place as agreed
(for example, by telephone or E-mail). After they are loaded into the FTP
directory, install them using the
Install License and Install Avaya Authentication
screens from the S8300 main menu web-page.
Note: Before an upload or download, be sure the S8300 FTP directory (/var/home/ftp)
contains no files with a .pwd or .lic extension. Only one of these files can exist in
a directory. If one exists, move, rename, or delete it.
After you install new license and authentication files, be sure to run save translations.
This task saves the official passwords for the customer’s system. If you fail to perform this
step, you may be irretrievably locked out of the system later in the installation when the
system reboots.
If Necessary, Remove old license and authentication files from S8300 FTP Directory
Log in to a telnet session on the S8300.
1. At the command line, type cd /var/home/ftp and press Enter.
2. Type ls -l and press Enter.
The system displays a list of files.
3. Check the list of files to see if any files with .lic or .pwd suffixes are in the directory.
4. If any .lic or .pwd files exist, type rm *.lic or rm *.pwd and press Enter.
The system removes the files.
5. Leave the telnet session open for a later task.
Load License File (from Your Laptop)
Use this procedure to transfer the license and password files from the CD or hard drive on you laptop
to the S8300 hard drive.
1. Log on to the S8300 Web Interface
2. In the main menu under Miscellaneous, click the Upload Files to Server (via browser) link.