Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
Unrestricted call list
(1) User Datagram Protocol; (2) Uniform Dial Plan. See User Datagram Protocol (UDP); Uniform Dial Plan (UDP).
Call redirection
See Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
User manager
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
A nonprofit organization that tests and rates devices, materials, and systems for safety.
Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)
A feature that distributes calls among agents according to a predetermined logic, and provides rudimentary reports. See
also Automatic Call Distribution (ACD).
Uniform Dial Plan (UDP)
A feature that is used to assign a unique 4-digit or 5-digit number for each terminal in a multiswitch configuration such as
a distributed communications system (DCS) or a main-satellite-tributary (MST) system. See also distributed
communications system (DCS); main-satellite-tributary (MST).
uniform numbering plan (UNP)
The assignment of a uniform 7-digit number to each telephone in a private corporate network. The same number will
reach telephones anywhere in the network, regardless of where the call originates.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
An Internet address that specifies the location of Web pages, files, and scripts.
universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)
A device that converts outgoing parallel data from a computer for serial transmission, and converts incoming serial data
to parallel data for reception.
universal serial bus (USB)
A high-speed serial interface that is used primarily to add a printer, a modem, a keyboard, a mouse, or another peripheral
device to a personal computer.
UNIX-to-UNIX Communications Protocol (UUCP)
Any one of several protocols that is used to transfer files between computers that use a UNIX operating system. UUCP is
widely used for the transfer of electronic mail.
Unified Network Management Architecture
uniform numbering plan (UNP).
Uninterruptible power supply
See Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
universal serial bus (USB).