While on an active call
Press the more… context-sensitive soft key
to select a new menu list of context-sensitive
soft keys.
When you press the more… context-
sensitive soft key, a different selection of
context-sensitive soft keys appears.
• If you press the more… context-
sensitive soft key once from the first
menu list, you access the following
context-sensitive soft keys:
[Trnsfer] [RlsCall] [Park] [more...]
• If you press the more… context-
sensitive soft key from the first menu list
twice, you access the following context-
sensitive soft keys:
[Retrve] [Conf] [Prefs] [more…]
• If you press the more… context-
sensitive soft key from the first menu list
three times, you return to the first menu
list with the following context-sensitive
soft keys.
[Join] [NewCall] [Audio] [more…]
When you press the more.… context-sensitive soft key for the first time,
the following context-sensitive soft keys appear on the menu list.
Trnsfer Press the Trnsfer context-sensitive soft key
to transfer the current call.
RlsCall Press the RlsCall context-sensitive soft key
to release or hang up the highlighted call.