IP Deskphone display
The Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone provides a 4.1 inch (diagonal measured)
color QVGA TFT display, capable of displaying a QVGA 320 x 240 (width
by height) image. The graphics controller supports 24-bit color (16 million
Your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone provides three display areas:
• The upper display area provides labels for the eight line/ feature key
• The middle display area contains information for items such as caller
number, caller name, Call Timer, feature prompt strings, user-entered
digits, date and time information, and IP Deskphone information.
• The lower display area provides labels for the four soft keys.
Figure 2: Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone display area
Self-labeled line/programmable feature key labels appear beside the line
keys, and context-sensitive soft key labels appear directly above the soft
keys. Self-labeled means that the label next to the line/feature key is
presented from the call server automatically if a feature is programmed,
and can also be edited and changed by the user. Context-sensitive