Addendum 105
6.5.3 On Screen Display - Command Line Interface
- Information that you must supply.
Bold - Elements that you must type exactly as shown.
Ellipsis (...) - Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line.
Between brackets ([]) - Optional items.
Between braces ({}) - Set of choices (separated by I) from which you must choose only one.
Courier font - Code or program output.
• Switches the OSD on or off -OSDText=
• Specifies the on screen display text.
• If the text includes spaces, the text must be enclosed in double quotes.
• Line breaks are indicated by the characters \n. If you wish to include a \ in the text, it
must be preceded by a \.
For example -OSDText=”The quick\nbrown fox\njumps over\nthe lazy dog.” Gives the on
screen display:
The quick
brown fox
jumps over
the lazy dog
• Allows you to specify how the OSD is scaled. When FixedSize is specified, the OSD is
displayed at the same size regardless of the size of the window. When ScaleWithWin-
dow is specified, the OSD is scaled up or down according to the size of the window.
font name
• Specifies the name of the font to be used for OSD text. If the font name includes
spaces, the name must be enclosed in double quotes.
• Specifies the point size of the font to be used for OSD text.
-OSDFontStyle={Regular|Bold }
• Specifies the colour of the text in red, green and blue components. Each of the compo-
nents is a number from 0 to 255.
• When Transparent is specified, the OEM_ECU_TAG capture in the area behind the text is
• When Opaque is specified the area behind the text is displayed in the colour specified
using the OSDBackgroundColour option.