Addendum 93
6 Addendum
6.1 Online Help
In the Help menu of the Display Control application, an online help system can be consulted.
6.2 Troubleshooting
Common Error Messages:
Access is denied
RPC Server unavailable
The endpoint is a duplicate
The remote procedure call failed and did not execute
Changing Screen Resolution
Access is denied
This message means that the attempt to connect to the server application failed because
the authentication information provided was not acceptable.
One of the following has occurred:
• The user name, the password or the machine/domain that you have entered are not
correct. Try entering the details again.
• If the machine to which you are connecting is running Windows XP Service Pack 2 and
you have not entered a password, you will need to change your account so that you
have a password.
• If the machine you are connecting to is running Windows XP and it is not participating
in a domain, you will need to change the Network Authentication settings on the
RPC Server unavailable
This message means that the attempt to connect to the server failed.
• If you are connecting to My Computer:
• Is the server application running?
• Did an error occur that prevented the server application starting the RPC server?
• Are you using the correct port name?
If you are connecting across a network:
• Has the Display Control server been activated? When Display Control is installed on the
server, a serial number must be entered to enable the networking features.
• If the server is running Windows XP Service Pack 2, is the firewall blocking the port for
the server component? See Windows XP Service Pack 2 .
• Is the Display Control server configured for network access? Security Policy
• Is the server application running?
• Did an error occur that prevented the server application starting the RPC server?
• Are you using the correct port?