3. Configuration Wizard
Image 3-8
Resolution definition window
What will be done
The desired screen dimension in pixels should be entered together with the resolution mode. These spec-
ifications determine the number of devices required.
Screen Dimensions
1. Click in the input box next to Desired width. (image 3-9)
2. Select with your mouse the actual indicated value.
3. Enter a new value with the keyboard. The new value should be resolution of the complete image width
4. Repeat from step 1 for the Desired Height.
The possible configuration will be updated on line in the configuration pane of the same window.
Image 3-9
Set up the image dimensions
lap area setup
1. Click in the horizontal input field of the maximum overlap for entering an overlap for two images next to
each other.
2. Select with your mouse the actual indicated value.
3. Enter a new value with the keyboard.
The entered value will be de maximum possible overlap.
4. Click in the vertical input field of the maximum overlap for entering an overlap for two images above
each other.
R5976476 VIEWSCAPE TOOLSET 01/07/2004