
3. Configuration Wizard
Image 3-48
Wizard result window
3.3.19 Finishing the wizard
Finish wizard
1. Click on Finished.
A save question will be displayed. (image 3-49)
2. If you want to save the settings, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.
The save configuration to file window will be displayed. (image 3-50)
3. Click Proceed to finish the wizard.
Image 3-49
Setting save
Image 3-50
Save to file window
Saving to disk
1. Click on the disk icon to download the file (image 3-50).
The File download window opens. (image 3-51)
2. Check Save this file to disk and click OK.
Windows explorer opens.
3. Select a location and change eventually the file name.
4. Click on OK.
The file will be downloaded.
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